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Newton on TrentChurch of England Primary SchoolAiming High, Enjoying the Journey

Welcome toNewton on TrentChurch of England Primary SchoolAiming High, Enjoying the Journey


Message from the Headteacher

On behalf of the children, staff, parents and governors of Newton on Trent Church of England Primary School, I would like to welcome you to our website. At Newton we pride ourselves on the level of care and support we offer and believe we help each child to become the best they can be during their time with us. You will find a range of information on our website to give you a flavour of what is on offer at our school. However, we believe that a visit to the school will give you a much better understanding of what it means to be a member of the Newton on Trent Church of England Primary School family and will be happy to arrange a time for you to come and see us in action.

Mrs Aimee Riley

Message from the Chair of Governors

A very warm welcome from the Governing Body of the School.

The Governors are very proud of the achievements of the school. Although small, the focus on the development of the children academically and socially, is clear. The children are secure and confident in all that they do, aware of the support and help that are always on hand from staff that they know. The close relationship of the the school and Church is the bedrock of community links with this village and the other communities from which our children come.

A small school has many advantages that may not be apparent at first sight. Primarily it is the depth of knowledge of each child that enables the staff to gear teaching and learning closely to the individual. Secondly, it is the security that comes from a long relationship with each member of staff that allows each child to grow as a member of the school family. Third, the access for each child to many activities that the school takes part in gives a greater range of experience for younger children who can enjoy the activity with the other pupils.

The Governors set high standards of achievement for the staff and our aim is to be an outstanding school with good quality of teaching. Our OFSTED report from October 2011 was a measure of how the staff were achieving their targets on the way to that goal.

We hope that parents will understand our ambitions and support the school in many ways whether by coming to social events or by joining with the teachers to support the development of learning of your children. There may also be elections for Parent Governors from time to time and this will be an important way for you to help the school achieve the best for all children.

We also support the Head and staff in their work with six other schools in our area - Marton Primary Academy, Ingham Primary School, Sturton by Stow Primary School, Scampton Pollyplatt Primary School, Scampton Church of England Primary School, and Hackthorn Church of England Primary School This collaboration allows all the schools to make extra provision for children and, in joining together, gives many opportunities for work and social occasions with larger groups of children of the same age such as sporting occasions or projects to improve learning in many subject areas. Our school extends to an area greater than its immediate environment and community.

Your interest in the school is important to us and the Governors hope that, in sending your children to Newton on Trent Church of England Primary School, you will feel that it is the best choice you could have made for their first seven, and most important years, of their education.

Mr Charles Nicholds
Chair of Governors
