If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Lincolnshire parents and carers can apply for a place at school from 14th November 2019 for the September 2020 Reception intake. You can download the `Lincolnshire School Guide' and the `Going to Primary School in Lincolnshire' book by visiting
The preferred method for applying for a Reception place is online using the above website. You can also apply by telephoning the Lincolnshire County Council Admissions Team on 01522 782030. You can apply for up to three state schools, in or out of county on your application. If you do not live in Lincolnshire you must apply through your home local authority. You can name Lincolnshire schools on this application.
The closing date for applications is 12 noon, 15 January 2020, although do contact the Admissions Team if you have not applied by this date.
In Year Admissions
If you wish to change your child's school after they have already started in a school, for instance if you have moved house, or have other reasons for changing, this is called an in year admission. In the first instance, you should discuss the potential move with your current school, and then arrange to come and see us to discuss your requirements. If you still wish to proceed after these discussions, you can apply online at
Contact the Admissions Team on 01522 782030 or email schooladmissions@lincolnshire.gov.uk
2021/22 Admissions
Please find below the Admission Policy for 2021/22 admissions.
More information can be found at https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/findaschool.
Please find below the Lincolnshire County Council timetable for 2020/21 appeals.
| Primary schools |
National offer day | 19 April |
Appeals deadline | Noon on 18 May |
Appeals hearings begin | 15 June |
Appeals hearings end | 17 July |
For more information, please visit https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/school-admissions/appeal-school-place/2