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Newton on TrentChurch of England Primary SchoolAiming High, Enjoying the Journey

Welcome toNewton on TrentChurch of England Primary SchoolAiming High, Enjoying the Journey


Religious Education at Newton on Trent Church of England Primary School


As a Lincolnshire County Council School, Newton on Trent Church of England Primary School follows the Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The intention for Religious Education in Lincolnshire is stated in the syllabus as aiming:


'To produce pupils who are religiously literate and able to hold balanced and informed conversations about religion and belief'


We are committed to producing religiously literate children here at Newton and do this through implementing the curriculum in the way that meets the needs of our structure and the children in the school. For the compulsory elements taught on Christianity, we follow the Understanding Christianity resources. For the remaining compulsory and additional units, we follow the Lincolnshire agreed syllabus and have received support from the Diocese to ensure the opportunities and learning we offer for our children is progressive and build on children's prior knowledge.

